
R Codes for Climate Mathematics

1. Download the R code for the entire book for either RStudio or R console: Version 1.0, August 2018

Steps To Download:

(i) Right Click on the Download link
(ii) Select "Save link as"
(iii) Choose your destination folder and click OK

2. Download the .zip R code for the entire book: Version 1.0, August 2018.

Steps To Download:

(i) Right Click on the Download link
(ii) Go to the Downloads folder to find the file named
(iii) Unzip the file to obtain the Rcodes.R file for RStudio or R console

3. Chapter-by-Chapter R Code: Version 2.0, June 2022
Chapter 2: Basics of R Programming
Chapter 3: Basic Statistical Methods for Climate Data Analysis
Chapter 4: Climate Data Matrices and Linear Algebra
Chapter 5: Energy Balance Models for Climate
Chapter 6: Calculus Applications to Climate Science I: Derivatives
Chapter 9: R Graphics for Climate Science
Chapter 10: Advanced R Analysis and Plotting: EOFs, Trends, and Global Data
Chapter 11: R Analysis of Incomplete Climate Data

4. Chapter-by-Chapter R Mark Down (.Rmd) Files Download: Version 2.0, June 2022
Chapter 2: Basics of R Programming
Chapter 3: Basic Statistical Methods for Climate Data Analysis
Chapter 4: Climate Data Matrices and Linear Algebra
Chapter 5: Energy Balance Models for Climate
Chapter 6: Calculus Applications to Climate Science I: Derivatives
Chapter 9: R Graphics for Climate Science
Chapter 10: Advanced R Analysis and Plotting: EOFs, Trends, and Global Data
Chapter 11: R Analysis of Incomplete Climate Data

Citation: Shen, S.S.P., and R.C.J. Somerville, 2019: Climate Mathematics: Theory and Applications,
               Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 391pp.