## [1] 5
## [1] 1.985398
x <- 1
y <- 2
z <- 4
t <- 2*x^y-z
## [1] -2
u = 2 # "=" sign and "<-" are almost equivalent
v = 3 # The text behind the "#" sign is comments
## [1] 5
sin(u*v) # u*v = 6 in the sine function is considered a radian by R
## [1] -0.2794155
#Enter temperature data in c()
tmax <- c(77, 72, 75, 73, 66, 64, 59)
#Show the data
## [1] 77 72 75 73 66 64 59
#Generate same sequence using different methods
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
seq(1,8, by = 1)
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
seq(1,8, length = 8)
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
seq(1,8, length.out = 8)
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
#Define a function
samfctn <- function(x) x*x
## [1] 16
fctn2 <- function(x,y,z) x+y-z/2
## [1] 1.5
#Plot temperature data
plot(1:7, c(77, 72, 75, 73, 66, 64, 59))
#More plot examples
plot(sin, -pi, 2*pi) #plot the curve of y = sin(x) from -pi to 2 pi
square <- function(x) x*x #Define a function
plot(square, -3, 2) # Plot the defined function
# Plot a 3D surface
x <- seq(-1, 1, length = 100)
y <- seq(-1, 1, length = 100)
z <- outer(x, y, function(x, y)(1-x^2-y^2))
# 'outer(x,y, function)' renders z function on the x, y grid
persp(x,y,z, theta = 330)
# yields a 3D surface with perspective angle 330 deg
#Contour plot
contour(x,y,z) #lined contours
filled.contour(x,y,z) #color map of contours with default colors
D(expression(x^2,'x'), 'x')
## 2 * x
# Take derivative of x^2 w.r.t. x
2 * x #The answer is 2x
## [1] -2.00000000 -1.95959596 -1.91919192 -1.87878788 -1.83838384 -1.79797980
## [7] -1.75757576 -1.71717172 -1.67676768 -1.63636364 -1.59595960 -1.55555556
## [13] -1.51515152 -1.47474747 -1.43434343 -1.39393939 -1.35353535 -1.31313131
## [19] -1.27272727 -1.23232323 -1.19191919 -1.15151515 -1.11111111 -1.07070707
## [25] -1.03030303 -0.98989899 -0.94949495 -0.90909091 -0.86868687 -0.82828283
## [31] -0.78787879 -0.74747475 -0.70707071 -0.66666667 -0.62626263 -0.58585859
## [37] -0.54545455 -0.50505051 -0.46464646 -0.42424242 -0.38383838 -0.34343434
## [43] -0.30303030 -0.26262626 -0.22222222 -0.18181818 -0.14141414 -0.10101010
## [49] -0.06060606 -0.02020202 0.02020202 0.06060606 0.10101010 0.14141414
## [55] 0.18181818 0.22222222 0.26262626 0.30303030 0.34343434 0.38383838
## [61] 0.42424242 0.46464646 0.50505051 0.54545455 0.58585859 0.62626263
## [67] 0.66666667 0.70707071 0.74747475 0.78787879 0.82828283 0.86868687
## [73] 0.90909091 0.94949495 0.98989899 1.03030303 1.07070707 1.11111111
## [79] 1.15151515 1.19191919 1.23232323 1.27272727 1.31313131 1.35353535
## [85] 1.39393939 1.43434343 1.47474747 1.51515152 1.55555556 1.59595960
## [91] 1.63636364 1.67676768 1.71717172 1.75757576 1.79797980 1.83838384
## [97] 1.87878788 1.91919192 1.95959596 2.00000000
fx <- expression(x^2,'x') #assign a function
D(fx,'x') #differentiate the function w.r.t. x
## 2 * x
2 * x #The answer is 2x
## [1] -2.00000000 -1.95959596 -1.91919192 -1.87878788 -1.83838384 -1.79797980
## [7] -1.75757576 -1.71717172 -1.67676768 -1.63636364 -1.59595960 -1.55555556
## [13] -1.51515152 -1.47474747 -1.43434343 -1.39393939 -1.35353535 -1.31313131
## [19] -1.27272727 -1.23232323 -1.19191919 -1.15151515 -1.11111111 -1.07070707
## [25] -1.03030303 -0.98989899 -0.94949495 -0.90909091 -0.86868687 -0.82828283
## [31] -0.78787879 -0.74747475 -0.70707071 -0.66666667 -0.62626263 -0.58585859
## [37] -0.54545455 -0.50505051 -0.46464646 -0.42424242 -0.38383838 -0.34343434
## [43] -0.30303030 -0.26262626 -0.22222222 -0.18181818 -0.14141414 -0.10101010
## [49] -0.06060606 -0.02020202 0.02020202 0.06060606 0.10101010 0.14141414
## [55] 0.18181818 0.22222222 0.26262626 0.30303030 0.34343434 0.38383838
## [61] 0.42424242 0.46464646 0.50505051 0.54545455 0.58585859 0.62626263
## [67] 0.66666667 0.70707071 0.74747475 0.78787879 0.82828283 0.86868687
## [73] 0.90909091 0.94949495 0.98989899 1.03030303 1.07070707 1.11111111
## [79] 1.15151515 1.19191919 1.23232323 1.27272727 1.31313131 1.35353535
## [85] 1.39393939 1.43434343 1.47474747 1.51515152 1.55555556 1.59595960
## [91] 1.63636364 1.67676768 1.71717172 1.75757576 1.79797980 1.83838384
## [97] 1.87878788 1.91919192 1.95959596 2.00000000
fx <- expression(x^2*sin(x),'x')
#Change the expression and use the same derivative command
## 2 * x * sin(x) + x^2 * cos(x)
2 * x * sin(x) + x^2 * cos(x)
## [1] 2.2232442755 2.1621237197 2.1001569223 2.0374552454 1.9741295366
## [6] 1.9102900272 1.8460462307 1.7815068435 1.7167796456 1.6519714028
## [11] 1.5871877703 1.5225331975 1.4581108337 1.3940224359 1.3303682779
## [16] 1.2672470605 1.2047558237 1.1429898609 1.0820426339 1.0220056908
## [21] 0.9629685847 0.9050187953 0.8482416517 0.7927202577 0.7385354186
## [26] 0.6857655712 0.6344867148 0.5847723450 0.5366933900 0.4903181485
## [31] 0.4457122306 0.4029385012 0.3620570247 0.3231250141 0.2861967807
## [36] 0.2513236874 0.2185541047 0.1879333686 0.1595037417 0.1333043769
## [41] 0.1093712835 0.0877372965 0.0684320482 0.0514819428 0.0369101336
## [46] 0.0247365036 0.0149776477 0.0076468594 0.0027541183 0.0003060825
## [51] 0.0003060825 0.0027541183 0.0076468594 0.0149776477 0.0247365036
## [56] 0.0369101336 0.0514819428 0.0684320482 0.0877372965 0.1093712835
## [61] 0.1333043769 0.1595037417 0.1879333686 0.2185541047 0.2513236874
## [66] 0.2861967807 0.3231250141 0.3620570247 0.4029385012 0.4457122306
## [71] 0.4903181485 0.5366933900 0.5847723450 0.6344867148 0.6857655712
## [76] 0.7385354186 0.7927202577 0.8482416517 0.9050187953 0.9629685847
## [81] 1.0220056908 1.0820426339 1.1429898609 1.2047558237 1.2672470605
## [86] 1.3303682779 1.3940224359 1.4581108337 1.5225331975 1.5871877703
## [91] 1.6519714028 1.7167796456 1.7815068435 1.8460462307 1.9102900272
## [96] 1.9741295366 2.0374552454 2.1001569223 2.1621237197 2.2232442755
fxy <- expression(x^2+y^2, 'x','y')
#One can define a function of 2 or more variables
fxy #Renders an expression of the function in terms of x and y
## expression(x^2 + y^2, "x", "y")
#expression(x^2 + y^2, "x", "y")
D(fxy,'x') #yields the partial derivative with respect to x: 2 * x
## 2 * x
D(fxy,'y') #yields the partial derivative with respect to y: 2 * y
## 2 * y
square <- function(x) x^2
#Integrate x^2 from 0 to 1 equals to 1/3 with details below
## 0.3333333 with absolute error < 3.7e-15
#0.3333333 with absolute error < 3.7e-15
#Integrate cos(x) from 0 to pi/2 equals to 1 with details below
## 1 with absolute error < 1.1e-14
#1 with absolute error < 1.1e-14
x <- rnorm(10) #generate 10 normally distributed numbers
## [1] -0.40518274 0.43551556 -1.19994395 -0.85516984 -0.02758804 -0.04578632
## [7] -0.16097080 -0.33794435 -1.16459046 -0.34227721
## [1] -0.4103938
## [1] 0.2730219
## [1] 0.522515
## [1] -0.3401108
## 0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
## -1.19994395 -0.74267306 -0.34011078 -0.07458244 0.43551556
range(x) #yields the min and max of x
## [1] -1.1999440 0.4355156
## [1] 0.4355156
boxplot(x) #yields the box plot of x
w <- rnorm(1000)
#yields the histogram of 1000 random numbers with a normal distribution
summary(rnorm(12)) #statistical summary of the data sequence
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## -1.93697 -0.44464 -0.18273 -0.01719 -0.02869 2.17169
#Linear regression and linear trend line
#2007-2016 data of the global temperature anomalies
#Source: NOAAGlobalTemp data
t <- 2007:2016
T <- c(.36,.30, .39, .46, .33, .38, .42, .50, .66, .70)
lm(T ~ t) #Linear regression model of temp vs time
## Call:
## lm(formula = T ~ t)
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept) t
## -73.42691 0.03673
#Temperature change rate is 0.03673 deg C/yr or 0.37 deg C/decade
# expression(paste(...)) is one way of using the degree symbol
# ...pasting the ° symbol directly is another way
plot(t,T, type = "o",xlab = "Year",ylab = expression(paste("Temperature [",~degree,"C]")),
main = expression(paste("2007-2016 Global Temperature Anomalies\n and Their Linear Trend [0.37 °C/decade]")))
abline(lm(T ~ t), lwd = 2, col = "red") #Regression line
#The R packages and the datasets used in this book are
#listed below and can be downloaded and installed first
#before proceeding to the R codes in the rest of the book.
#The R packages:
#animation, chron, e1071, fields, ggplot2, lattice,
#latticeExtra, maps, mapdata, mapproj, matrixStats, ncdf,
#NLRoot, RColorBrewer, rgdal, rasterVis, raster, sp, TTR
#To load the package "animation", you can do
#You can also load all these packages in one shot
#using pacman
pacman::p_load(animation, chron, e1071, fields, ggplot2, lattice,
latticeExtra, maps, mapdata, mapproj, matrixStats, ncdf4,
NLRoot, RColorBrewer, rgdal, rasterVis, raster, sp, TTR)
#The zipped data file:
# https://www.cambridge.org/climatemathematics/data.zip
#On your computer, you can create a directory called
#climmath under your user name.
#The one used in the book is Users/sshen/climmath
#You unzip the data and move the data folder under
#the Users/sshen/climmath directory.
#A data folder will created:
#The data folder contains about 400 MB of data.
#Place all the R codes in the directory Users/sshen/climmath.
#Then, you can run all the codes in this book after replacing sshen
#by your user name on your own computer.