
Python Codes for Climate Mathematics

Python codes are provided in the following formats:
  1. 1. Jupyter Notebook, Version 1.0. This original version was released in 2018 and its map plotting uses the Basemap module.
  2. 2. Jupyter Notebook: Version 2.0. This version uses Cartopy module for map plotting.
  3. 3. Jupyter Notebook: Version 3.0. This version features the use of both Basemap and Cartopy modules,
                                                          and allows a user to choose either Basemap or Cartopy to plot maps.
  4. 4. Download the Python Version 3.0 code .ipynb in a zip file. Unzip the .zip file to obtain the .ipynb file for Jupyter Notebook or Colab.

Chapter-by-Chapter Python Codes for Climate Mathematics
Version 3.0, July 2022

  1. Chapter 2: Jupyter Notebook: Version 3.0.
  2. Chapter 3: Jupyter Notebook: Version 3.0.
  3. Chapter 4: Jupyter Notebook: Version 3.0.
  4. Chapter 5: Jupyter Notebook: Version 3.0.
  5. Chapter 6: Jupyter Notebook: Version 3.0.
  6. Chapter 9: Jupyter Notebook: Version 3.0.
  7. Chapter 9: Basemap Version: Jupyter Notebook: Version 3.0.
                      Some computers may not run the newer map tool Cartopy due to software conflicts.
                      We thus have a Basemap version of the code using the older map tool Basemap.
                      In the Basemap version, you may comment out Cartopy when the Cartopy package causes problems for you.
  8. Chapter 10: Jupyter Notebook: Version 3.0.
  9. Chapter 10 Basemap Version: Jupyter Notebook: Version 3.0.
  10. Chapter 11: Jupyter Notebook: Version 3.0.
  11. Chapter 11: Basemap Version: Jupyter Notebook: Version 3.0.

Citation: Shen, S.S.P., and R.C.J. Somerville, 2019: Climate Mathematics: Theory and Applications,
                Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 391pp.